CG Vyapam Sub Engineer Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025 PDF
Aspirants who fulfil all the CG Vyapam Sub Engineer Eligibility Criteria and are planning to for the exam should be familiar in advance with the Syllabus for employment each topic. For the 2025 cycle the syllabus is expected to be along the same line. Any changes will be updated soon after the release of the official notification.
Refer to the table below to know the officially released previous year syllabus details and start practicing before the written test.
CG Vyapam Sub Engineer Syllabus for Section A
The CG Vyapam Syllabus for Section A includes subjects like General Knowledge, Computer Awareness, Reasoning, and the working knowledge of the technical field that the candidate has applied for. Check the important syllabus topics in the table below –
General Knowledge
Current events – National and International
Indian Constitution
– Indian Administrative System
Indian Polity.
– Knowledge of Chhattisgarh
– Natural Resources
– Industries
– Education
– Administrative structure
– History and culture
– Ancient history
– Freedom struggle
– Major archeological tourist structure of the state
Knowledge of Computer
MS Office, spreadsheets, Word Processing.
– Data Analysis, Chart Presentation.
– Multimedia, Graphics Presentation.
– Cloud Computing.
Internet Usage.
MS Word.
– Windows.
– MS PowerPoint.
Computer Software & Hardware
– MS Excel
Coding and Decoding
Number series
Non-verbal series
Decision making
– Alphabet Series
– Clocks and Calendars
– Number Ranking
– Cube & Dice
– Mirror Images
Blood Relations
Arithmetic Reasoning
– Embedded Figures
General Knowledge Related to Work of Applied Post
– Soil as regards for employment construction purpose
– Cement, sand, aggregate, and other construction materials
– Major rivers of country and state
– Major crops
– Irrigation facility
– Major dams and canals of the state
– Miscellaneous
Check here: CG Vyapam Sub Engineer Admit Card official release date
CG Vyapam Syllabus for Section B
Section B in the CG Vyapam Sub Engineer exam includes questions based on Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering based on the technical field that the candidate has applied for. Check the important stream wise syllabus topics below –
Technical Discipline (Civil Engineering)
Surveying – Linear Measurement, Chain Surveying, Compass Surveying, Plane table surveying, Levelling, Contouring, Study of toposheets, Theodolite Survey, Tacheometric Surveys, Circular Curves, Electronic Theodolite, Electromagnetic Distance Measurement (EDM)
Construction material – Bricks- size & shape, Indian standard classification and specification as per BIS- 1077, testing of bricks, Fly ash bricks Aggregates – classification of aggregates, coarse and fine aggregates, testing of aggregates, grading of aggregates, fineness modulus and bulking of sand.
Cement – Composition & properties of cement, Bouge’s compound, hydration & heat of hydration of cement, field & laboratory test of cement as per IS, type & grades of cement & its suitability, mortar, its type & suitability.
Concrete – Composition of concrete, its grades, types of concrete, fresh & hardened concrete & its properties, the process of manufacture of concrete, testing of concrete.
Transportation Engineering – Highway Alignment and Surveys, Highway geometrics, Pavement materials, Highway construction, Drainage of Roads, Bridge- Classification, Site Investigation, Bridge Substructure, Bridge Superstructure, Waterways.
Hydraulics – Hydro-statics- Pressure, Pascal’s law, the total pressure on a horizontal vertical and inclined surface, a center of pressure, Manometer.
Hydro-kinematics – law of conservation of mass, continuity equation, types of flow.
Hydro- dynamics – various forms of energy, Bernoulli’s theorem. Water discharge measurement- venturi meter orifice meter, pitot tube. Notches and weirs.
Flow-through pipes- characteristics of pipe flow, Darcy-Weisbach equation, Expression for head losses due to friction, sudden enlargement, and bends. Flow-through and open channel- Wetted perimeter, hydraulic mean depth, hydraulic gradient, Chezy’s formula. Manning’s formula.
Geotechnical Engineering – Weight and Volume relationships of soil; IS classification of soil; Index properties; Permeability; Well hydraulic; Shear strength; Earth pressure- only cohesionless soil; Bearing capacity-definitions and plate load test.
Hydrology – Definition, Hydrologic, cycle, water budget equation, catchment area. Precipitation, forms of precipitation, measurement of rainfall, rain gauge and types, rain gauge density as per is and WMO, computation of average rainfall over a basin, mean annual rainfall. Losses from precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, runoff, factors affecting runoff, computation of runoff hydrograph, unit hydrograph, peak flow determination, Streamflow measurement- area velocity method, Weir method, Stage discharge curve.
Water Resource Engineering – Water Requirement of crops, Reservoir Planning, Purposes of the reservoir, classification of the reservoir based on purpose, investigation for reservoir planning, Engineering surveys’ area elevation curve, storage elevation curve, Geological investigation, Hydrological investigation, factors affecting selection of the site for a reservoir; Zones of storages and various water levels, employment storage capacity and yield of the reservoir. Dams- various types of the dam, Factors governing the selection of the type of dam, Factors for selection of a site for a dam. Earthen Dams, Gravity Dams, Spillway, employment Diversion Headwork, Canal Irrigation System- Canals, canal outlets, Canal Regulation works, Cross Drainage Works (Only Components and their functions), Canal lining, and New irrigation techniques such as Drip Irrigation and Sprinkler Irrigation, lift irrigation.
Public Health Engineering – Quantity of Water – Population Forecast, Water Demand Source of Water – Surface sources, Groundwater; yield of well; Quality of water- Physical, Chemical and Microbiological tests; Treatment of water – Sedimentation, Filtration, Water softening, Disinfection; Collection and Conveyance of sewage, House Drainage.
Structural Engineering – Stress and strain; Bending moments and Shear Forces in simply supported, cantilever, fixed, and continuous beams; Slopes and deflection in cantilever and simply supported beam, Stresses in beams, axially loaded column-Euler’s formula. RCC Design ( Limit State Method IS 456:2000)- Design of singly and doubly reinforced RCC beams. Design of retaining Wall and Weir.
Estimating and Costing – Estimate for construction of Dams and canal & canal structures. Estimate for a building, Estimate of water supply and sanitary works, Earthwork for roads, Rate analysis, Estimate of RCC work, Estimate of steel and timber roof trusses, Valuation- types of values, deprecation.